Best Mining Software For Mac

So…you want to use that old or new Mac to mine some Crypto? With all the craze in crypto today, it’s everyone’s dream to let their computer do the heavy lifting, mine some random crypto, and then cash it in for money. In this guide, we will you show how to mine Monero (XMR) crypto currency using only your Mac’s CPU. At the time of this article, this is the easiest and most profitable method of mining with a basic Mac Desktop using your Mac’s CPU only.

  1. What Is The Best Mining Software
  2. Best Mining Software For Mac Download
  3. Best Crypto Mining Software For Mac
  4. Best Mining Software For Mac Pro

Prerequisites you need before mining:

The First Native Mac Miner. Built as a friendly GUI for the relatively complex array of command line Bitcoin mining software for Mac, MacMiner is the first 100% native Bitcoin miner for Mac. This means you can set up and start mining in seconds, without worrying about complex install processes traditionally associated with mac miners. Best Bitcoin mining software CGminer. Pros: Supports GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining, Popular (frequently updated). Cons: Textual interface. Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux Going strong for many years, CGminer is still one of the most popular GPU/FPGA/ASIC mining software available.

Monero Crypto Wallet – We use Coinomi. This is a universal Crypto wallet.

This guide was done on macOS Catalina 10.15.7. I do not know if this will work on macOS versions previous or later.

1. We will be using XMRIg to mine Monero (XMR). In order to use XMRIg on Mac, you will need to install some prerequisites.

2. Install Homebrew. In Terminal type:

/bin/bash -c '$(curl -fsSL'

3. Next, install XMRIg. Open Terminal and type the following commands. XMRIg will install in /Users/USER/xmrig/.


a. brew install cmake libuv openssl hwloc

b. git clone

c. mkdir xmrig/build && cd xmrig/build

d. cmake .. -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/opt/openssl

e. make -j$(sysctl -n hw.logicalcpu)

4. Now, we need to create a new configuration file in order to run XMRIg. The easiest way is to do this with the XMRIg wizard here.

  • Add Pool: choose any pool here. Wallet address is the address to your Monero wallet you created (receive Monero payments address)
  • Backends: CPU
  • Misc: We donate 5 percent but this can be what you want.

5. Download the config.json file and place it in /Users/USER/xmrig/build folder.

Start XMRIg on macOS

1. Open Terminal.

2. cd /Users/USER/xmrig/build

3. ./xmrig

XMRIg will begin mining. The first screen in Terminal will show you your Mac’s system details. By default, XMRIg will mine using your Mac’s CPU most effectively, so you won’t have to worry about not using all your CPU power for it.

So what’s the all the XMRIg activity mean? See below.

miner – speed: line tells you your miner's hash rate. As far as I can tell, this shows three hash rates over three different rolling windows of 2.5 seconds, a minute, and 15 minutes. The hash rate stays fairly constant at close to 1200 H/s. Your miner hasn't been running for 15 minutes yet.

net – new job: line means the pool just sent your miner some work. Your miner will then repeatedly hash this data to find hashes below the requested target (which comes as part of that job). The last number of that line is the difficulty for that job. The higher it is, the harder it is to find a qualifying hash, but the more any solution counts towards your share of the block reward when the pool finds a block next.

cpu – accepted: line means the pool acknowledged receipt of a hash your miner found. 3/0 means this is the third accepted hash, and none were rejected (which can happen for various reasons, such as being for a previous job, below the requested difficulty, or otherwise invalid).

When does XMRIg pay me for my mining?

Check with the miner pool you joined. Your miner pool will be able to show you how much you’ve mined, your average hash rates, and your payouts. All you need to do is tell them your Wallet ID in most cases. In our case, we will only get paid once we’ve mined 0.5 XMR.

So is crypto mining with Mac’s CPU worth it?

We hate to admit it, but it’s not. We’ve mined with our intel Mac Mini (3269.4 H/s) for one day and only earned 6 cents. It’s not going to make us any money long term. However, it’s possible the upcoming Mac “M” chips prove to be worth of CPU mining. We will wait and see.

Please use the comments area below to share your Crypto Mining speeds, success rates, and payouts. Please ensure to include relevant Mac system details!

CD ripper software is intended for copying CD audio content to music files at hard disc of a computer. Read below about:
• sound quality,
• different ripping ways (including safe/secure and unsecure),
• ripping formats and settings,
• metadata management;
• Frequently Asked Questions;
• how to choose the best CD ripping software for audiophile.

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With all due respect to vinyl junkies and CD stalwarts, when it comes to convenience, cost-effectiveness and flexibility, there can be little doubt that the best way to DJ right now is on a digital system, be that Mac, PC or even iOS or Android. And if you're going to do that, you're going to need the right software. Whenever I set up a new Mac, I install a number of utilities that make me more productive, that save me time, or that protect my data. I bought a new MacBook recently, and, as with every Mac, I.

CD ripper software for audiophiles

Disclaimer: The list may contains mistakes and be non-actual for current version of a ripper software. If cell is empty, there author havn't exact information. If you found error contact us. We produce AuI ConevreR 48x44.

CD ripper comparison
CD ripping softwareSafe rippingAttempt of broken audio data restoringExternal checksum online databaseAccess metadata online databaseCostOperation system
AuI ConverteR 48x44 yesyes, detect and display error up to 1 sample precision no yesFree / CommercialWindows, Mac
CDex yes Open source Windows
Cdparanoia yes Free Windows, Mac, Linux
dBPoweramp yes yes yes Time limited demo / Commercial Windows, Mac
EAC yes yes yes Free Windows
foobar2000 yes yes Free Windows
iTunes no yes Free Windows, Mac
XLD yes yes yes Free Mac
Windows Media Player no yes Free Windows

More CD rippers for Ubuntu Linux

Disclaimer: In this article theoretical concepts are discussed. Real software and hardware are not discussed here and may works differently. All stuff here is personal opinion of the author. And the stuff is based on the author's knowledge in the time of the article writing.

Common ripping issues

You can meet topic of the article too often at the forums and articles, like: 'the best cd ripping software 2020', 'the best cd ripper 2020', 'the best cd ripper for mac', 'the best cd ripper for windows', etc. The rippers are compared by perceived sound quality, functionality, metadata (song information: track name, album, performer, etc.) abilities, ripping speed and other.

However, in the author opinion, main feature of the best cd ripping software for audiophiles is exactness of copying CD's binary audio information to music files.

This feature is measurable. But the author don't know about studies, that available for public access.

A Safe CD ripper or secure CD ripper is the ripper software that have the binary-content-copying exactness as aim.

Read below:

  • sound quality issues;
  • how to provide the exactness and how it linked with ripping speed;
  • damaged CD music information restoration;
  • best CD rip format and settings.

CD ripper software features

  • Copying music binary content from CD tracks to sound files
  • Copying optical disc fault detection
  • Attempt of damaged audio restoring
  • Ripping speed
  • Embedding text metadata and album artwork (auto and/or manual)
  • Resampling and bit-depth altering
  • Creating directory structure to ripped files

Read below review of audio data integrity control (quality issues), ripping speed and audio-information restoration.

CD ripper sound quality

Quality of CD ripping is number of broken bytes in the ripped files.

CD ripping error is digital audio data difference between original record (binary audio file content that is intended for CD pressing) and audio content of ripped file.

Original record is audio file that used to produce compact disc.

Correct error detection is correct detection of real broken byte.

False (wrong) error detection is fault on correct music information.


ED - error detection

Correct and false (wrong) error detection in CD ripping

Maximal CD ripping quality is ripping without errors. I.e. binary music content of a ripped file should be fully identical to original record.

In the first approach, CD ripping software can't improve sound of CD.

The best thing that can to do the software is binary exact copy of music information from optical disc to sound file only.

However, there are some details. If computer optical drive provide lesser reading error number, than audio optical disc player, ripped sound files can be closer to original master record than digital music stream, that read on the CD-player. It was important to remember, that hardware players have own ways of probable broken music restoration.

The word 'probably' is used too often in the article, because error rising, correct or false error detection, error fixing are not events with 100% probability.

What cause CD ripping fault

Digital music stream faults can cause either clicks or pauses or interruptions or other audible distortions.

CD ripping fault detection

There are different ways of the ripping error detection:

  • high level fault detection
  • checksum comparison of number identical ripped discs
  • low level fault detection

High level CD-fault detection

In this case CD audio stream is read:

- without error flags,

- without re-readings,

- with buffering of read information.

Audio information is corrected by optical drive anyway.


But there are some ways of additional ED are missed (read details 'Low level CD-fault detection' part).

Sometimes optical device driver of operation system is able to report about fault, sometimes - not (depend on implementation driver and operation system). CD ripper don't obtain to error flags, generated by compact disc drive, and store music information as is into files.

CD checksum comparison with database

This secure way calculate ripped CD's checksum. These checksums are collected into internet database. When you rip CD at the database compatible ripping software, your rip checksum is calculated and compared with checksums into the database.

Checksum comparison via CD-ripping checksum database

But the database don't contains original record checksum. So ripped checksum compared with array of uncertified checksums.

We can hope (without 100% warranty), that the majority (of similar checksums for some CD into the database) is the same checksum of the CD's original record.

But, as example, if a serie of CD was manufactured without 100% identity to original studio files (by unknown to us reasons), then we have non-correct majority.

If a CD ripper (that is used to copying of the majority) have a non-fixed bug, same situation may happens too.

Also there may rare record or different optical disc version (pressing, mastering?) issues.

Low level CD-fault detection

This secure/safe way based on:

  • own abilities of CD drive
  • ripper software's statistics collecting by multiple re-readings of your optical disc.

CD-drive is able to correct faults and restore (with some probability) valid audio information (Reed–Solomon coding) [1][2].

So compact disc drive try detect fault inside. If it is detected, the drive try to restore music information. In case of unsuccessful fault elimination, error flag (C2) mark broken byte.

The safe/secure compact disc ripper software may to apply additional fault detection and correction algorithm under data, that was before checked and corrected into CD drive.

Raw audio stream from CD-drive is read with C2 flags, re-readings and with buffering elimination of read data.

Several re-readings of CD-drive's music data, can cause different binary content for re-readings.

This difference combined with С2 flags can give new information about faults, that was probable missed into CD-drive.

One error flag control audio data integrity of 1 byte of the raw audio information. The flag calculated by CD drive. Probably, some drives can't calculate it. But, I suppose, it is matter of older drives.

Re-reading is repeated reading of CD track's fragment. Re-reading performed several times.

Buffering elimination is attempt of forced cleaning of CD data buffer for each re-reading. Re-reading from music data buffer have no sense, because there are same information for each re-reading. But repeatable audio data reading from CD can cause different content in problematical places.

Further the obtained data array is analized to additional ED.

This method also don't guarantee 100% probability of audio stream integrity.

However, there is no additional element of uncertainty like a database without original record checksum.

Ripping speed

CD extractor can begin to read information from maximal speed to save time. When compact disc ripper read music information and get fault (as from optical disc drive, as by the data analysis), it can reduce reading speed to safer extracting. Of course, it consume more time.

Ripping speed depend on own CD drive's correct reading ability.

CD reading speed should provide maximal available safety of extracted music information.

If CD ripper use re-readings, it decrease total ripping speed anyway, even for constant rotary speed.
Because in safe/secure mode compact disc is read several times, instead one time in unsafe mode.

Simultaneous using of CD's checksum comparison and low level fault detection

Correct error-detection is event when both sources (safe CD ripper and checksum database) detected 'ripped information is valid'.


'Correct error-detection' and 'correct ripping' are different events.

'Correct error-detection' happens when ripper detect errors correctly relatively binary content of source studio audio file, that is used to CD manufacturing.

'Correct ripping' happens when binary audio content of ripped file is identical to binary content of the source studio audio file.

If 'correct error-detection' is happens, it mean that 'correct ripping' don't happen.

Total correct error-detection probability (CEDP) of the safe ripper:

  • without the checksum database: CEDPwod=CEDPcd
  • with the database: CEDPwd=CEDPcd * CEDPdb

CEDPcd is [CD drive + CD ripper] system's correct ED probability (CEDPcd <= 1.0)

CEDPdb is the dababase's correct ED probability (CEDPdb <= 1.0)

Ideal theoretical value of CEDPcd and CEDPdb is 1.0. But real values are lesser 1.0 always.

CD rip fault detection probability with checksum database and without

Result of multiplication CEDPcd to value, that lesser 1, is lesser than CEDPcd.

Thus, CEDPwd < CEDPwod ('with database' lesser than 'without').

There is no known information, what is higher: correct ED probability of [CD drive+ripper software] system or database.

Simultaneous using of both methods reduce total correct error-detection probability of CD ripping.

Generally, separate using only one of these two methods is recommended to decrease result uncertainty.

You can choose method, that is more suitable for you by other functionality (data restoration, as example, or other).

Though mistake in method choice can cause lesser total correct error detection probability.

Attempt of CD audio data restoration

The ripper software read data array (raw audio data and error flags after several re-readings) and use it to create probable correct content at damaged places (without 100% guarantee, of course).

Some data can't be restored (fatal faults).

What is the best CD rip format

If your aim is binary audio data capturing as is, use any lossless PCM format (WAV, FLAC, AIFF, ALAC, APE, etc.).

If your aim is lossless file size reducing, use FLAC.

If your aim is maximal file size reducing - use mp3 or AAC format.

However, for optical discs, ripping to backups in lossless file formats (WAV, FLAC, AIFF) is recommended.
After it you can convert these lossless backups to mp3, DSF or other format.

It allow to save time of slow audiophile ripping procedure.

What is the best CD rip settings

Most complex ripping part is safe reading from optical disc. For some discs it may be unstable.

Generally ripping into 16 bit / 44.1 kHz PCM backup (WAV, FLAC, AIFF, etc.) without any processing is recommended.

Check your CD ripper settings to turn off any processings (resampling, dithering, gain, etc.).

These ripped backups you can use for further conversions to target musical devices (portable audio player, mobile phone, car audio, music server, etc.).

CD ripper quality comparison method

Fortunately we can objectively compare CD rippers by ripping quality.

This comparison can't cover all cases. Because test result can depend on damaging kind of test CD.

1. Tools

1.1. CD rippers
1.2. CD-drive(s)
1.3. Test CDs with binary identical WAV files per track.
The test CDs should have different
1.4. Tool for binary comparison of WAV files.

2. Testing rippers

2.1. Rip the test CDs to WAV files for different combinations:
a) CD ripper software
b) Compact disc drive
c) CD ripping mode (speed, overlapping, re-reading number, recovering, etc.) if available.

2.2. Compare ripped WAV files with original files (sources of tracks of the test CDs) via binary comparison tool (goal 1.4):
a) Length in bytes from begin of the track to first detected (via binary comparison) fault byte.
Register it in results as mark of steadiness CD extractor to fault appearing.
b) Percent of detected (via binary comparison) wrong bytes to total number of bytes in track.
Register it in results asmark of ability CD extractor to fault avoiding.

During WAV file binary comparison need consider audio data only (pass by WAV’s header and non-audio chunks).

Recommended provide several times (10 and more) rippings in combination

{[test CD]+[CD ripper]+[CD ripping mode]+[CD drive]}

It is need to be addressed possible byte offset between original WAVs and ripped ones.
If the offset is present, superpose original and ripped WAV files.

To superpose refer to identical binary sequences of audio data. Found identical binary sequences in original and ripped WAV files and shift compared binary content to match the sequences.

As begin of track considered begin of original WAV's audio data.

3. Comparing results of the tests

Integral mark of the tested system [ripper + ripping mode + CD drive] is averaged by different test CDs.
Resume of test are made by comparison of the integral marks of the systems.

Metadata for ripped songs

Some CD rippers are able automatically request track's metadata (metatags): song and album name, year, performer for internet database.

Some databases contains album artworks.

When ripping is started, the ripper form unique ID of compact disc by its track start addresses, as example.

Sometimes database contains several entries for single disc. As example, at different languages.

Some rippers enable to assign metadata and/or album artwork file manyally before or after ripping.

There are databases:


Commercial (with some non-commercial options):

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to rip CDs?

The best way to rip CD-audio is using of system (CD-ripper software + optical disk drive), that cause lesser reading error number. Such things as jitter, colour marker penss to covering disk surface or side and other same things is not matter for you. Read details..

Read also:

How do I rip CDs in Windows 10?

Read the user manual: How to rip CD on Windows..

What quality should I rip CD?

First aim is exract CD content with original quality (resolution 16 bit / 44.1 kHz) without errors. If you want optimize ripped music files to your audio system, you can resample this resolution in ripping or later. Read details..

Why can't I rip a CD?

There are several reasons:

  • CD is not audio;
  • [Windows only]CD contains both audio and data. And you can see the data in a Windows file manager;
  • [Windows only] you can't copy *.cda files directly. Because they are only index files, that don't contains audio data;
  • CD is damaged.

Read the user manual: How to rip CD [Mac, Windows]..

Does ripping music from CD damage it?

Some ways of CD can cause additional mechanical load to CD. But, the author know nothing about CD, damaged by ripping.

Fast or express CD ripping on first speed is the same usual CD playback.

How do I rip high quality CD to mp3?

Read quick start guide..

Is it worth ripping CD to FLAC?

Ripping to FLAC have same quality WAV. But it allow to save hard-disk-drive space. It is especially important for mobile devices. Read quick start guide..

How to Choose the Best CD Ripping Software [Resume]

Main useful audio ripper feature is copying exactness of audio data from compact disc to file. In the ideal case the data should be extracted without changes.

For valid CDs it is not matter. In the first approach, all CD rippers will work identically there. Except false error detection case.

But some CDs, especially damaged, may contains errors. And CD extractor should found the faults. It's desirable, the ripping software attempt to restore damaged data that was found.

I.e. we can choose (as the best) the ripper that makes minimal fault number in ripped data.

In the article comparison method of audio rippers is suggested.

Unfortunately, I don't met results of independent ripper quality researches in the open sources.

Using checksum database allow to compare own ripping results with other ones, but original record checksum is unknown.

I'd recommend to choose one of CD rippers (free or paid), that have low level error detection with CD drive, providing C2 error flags. It enables the direct control over ripping errors without referring to uncertified third party sources.

Simultaneous both method using is not recommended, because probable case that both methods show different results.

The simultaneous using can reduce probability of correct error detection.

Yuri Korzunov,
Audiophile Inventory's developer
October 12, 2020 updated since May 21, 2016

Read more about CD ripping


What is Bitcoin Mining?Bitcoin Mining Software

Now that you already know about the best Bitcoin mining hardware, we’re going to talk about Bitcoin mining software.

What is Bitcoin Mining Software?

Bitcoin mining hardware handles the actual Bitcoin mining process, but:

Bitcoin mining software is equally as important.

  • If you are a solo miner: the mining software connects your Bitcoin miner to the blockchain.
  • If you mine with a pool: the software will connect you to your mining pool.
  • If you are cloud mining: you do not need mining software.

Quick Tip

Mining is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.

Buying bitcoin is the fastest way.

Read Our Buying Guide

Why Do You Need a Bitcoin Mining Operating System?

Bitcoin mining rigs and systems have come a long way since the beginning. The first Bitcoin miners made do with the tools they had at their disposal and set up various software to control the mining hardware in their rigs.

While these make-shift solutions were better than nothing, they didn’t exactly work efficiently. Not only did that slow down the mining process, but it also made it difficult for newcomers to join in on the fun.

Necessity is the mother of all invention, so along came solutions like Awesome Miner, ethOS, and SimpleMining that streamlined the mining process.

These days, mining operating systems are the standard.

But many users of the existing systems still experience issues with:

  • Managing multiple mining devices.
  • Maintaining a steady mining performance.
  • Fixing spontaneous errors.
  • Managing the mining system remotely.
  • Maximizing the efficiency of their hardware.

Importance of Bitcoin Mining Software

The main job of the software is to deliver the mining hardware’s work to the rest of the Bitcoin network and to receive the completed work from other miners on the network.

Bitcoin mining software monitors this input and output of your miner while also displaying statistics such as the speed of your miner, hashrate, fan speed and the temperature.

You may also need Bitcoin tax software in order to calculate your taxes owed.

We highly recommend Koinly's tax software - seen above

Bitcoin Wallets

One of the most important things you will need before using any kind of Bitcoin mining software is a wallet.


This is because all Bitcoin mining software will ask you for a Bitcoin address that will be used to send your mining rewards and payouts. Once you create or download a wallet you will be able to get a Bitcoin address from your wallet.

There are many Bitcoin wallets, but these are the ones we recommend if you are just starting out:

  • Ledger Nano X – Secure Bitcoin hardware wallet for all platforms.
  • iOS Wallets – The most popular Bitcoin wallets for iOS.
  • Android Wallets – The most popular Bitcoin wallets on Android.
  • Desktop Wallets – The most popular Bitcoin wallets for desktop.

Now that we understand mining software and how it helps in the mining process, and you have your Bitcoin wallet and address, let’s look at different software on different operating systems.

Mining Software Overviews

Find the Right Software for You

So which software should you choose?

Let's go over all the most important info for each mining software.

By the end, you should be able to pick the best one for you.

Best Mining Software For Windows

Braiins OS is part of Satoshi Labs and is the creation of the original inventor of mining pools, Marek “Slush” Palatinus. You may also know Marek for his invention of the Trezor, the world’s first hardware wallet.

Unlike many other mining software and operating systems, Braiins is completely free. Satoshi Labs makes money off of Braiins OS by offering you incentives to join their Slush mining pool, although this is not required to use their software.

Supported Hardware

Braains OS+ currently supports Antminer S9, S9i and S9j. Support for Antminer S17 and T17 are coming soon. Thankfully, Braiins OS+ makes the S9 family so much more efficient, that it can extend the life of your S9 ASICs. It achieves this life increase through better minign efficiency, which we will cover next.


With Braiins OS, you can increase the hashrate of your S9 up to 17+ Terrahashes per second.

Braiins OS+ can also take an S9 on low power mode and deliver 20% better performance than even an S9i.

For aging hardware like the S9 family, this is a crazy performance boost, so we can’t wait to see what Braiin’s will be able to do once they launch support for next gen Antminers like the S17 and T17.


While there is no up front cost to buying the software, you will need to pay Slushpool dev fees by directing 2% of your hashing power to their pool regardless of which pool you end up mining on. However, if you choose to mine with slushpool for all 100% of your hashing power, that rate drops to 1%.

This is how Satoshi Labs makes money off of Braiins OS.


Braiins OS boasts many features, such as:

  • Unlocked SSH
  • Autkmatic Updates to the OS firmware
  • Device installation on all your devices at once
  • Super Fast boot up speeds
  • Pre-heating to get mining faster
  • Complete fan control

Command Line

For the more traditional, tech-savvy users, Braiins offers a simple but robust command line interface for their mining software in addition to the more common graphical user interface that most people are used to. Both have their advantages, but many are more comfortable issuing commands with a keyboard instead of mouse clicks.

Two-Factor Authentication

According to Slushpool,

Every important change made to a user account requires email verification. We furthermore recommend enabling two-factor authentication using either TOTP mobile app or a hardware token (U2F). For even better protection, there is a possibility to lock your payout address so it can be only changed in future by a signed message from said address.

Slushpool takes the security of your earnings very seriously, which means a robust set of two-factor authentication options are at your disposal.

Technical Support

Braiin’s OS comes with some of the best documentation of all the mining software. If that doesn’t answer you questions you can reach out to Braiins for help or join their telegram.

Implementation of Stratum V2

Braiins OS+ has also implemented its Stratum V2 communication protocol. This protocol offers truly advanced features for power miners such as bandwidth load reductions, hash rate variance control, and hash rate hijacking protection.

It also comes with a nifty Proxy so that you can still use Stratum on other pools even if it isn’t supported by them.

Should You Use Braiins OS?

There is no one more experienced in mining software than Satoshi Labs, so you really can’t go wrong. These guys are constantly innovating, so even if you are running Linux, you won’t be disappointed in choosing Braiins.

That being said, if you don’t plan on mining with Slushpool, be aware that you will essentially pay a 2% fee to Slushpool (in the form of redirecting 2% of your hashing power to them). By mining with Slushpool, that cuts in half and becomes very attractive.

For more info on mining pools and how to pick one, see our compplete guide on mining pools.

Best Mining Software for Linux

Every system has its flaws, and the best solutions to how to fix those flaws often come from the users of the system. Enter Hashr8, a Bitcoin mining operating system developed by miners for miners.

As you’d expect, Hashr8 has fixed many of the flaws we covered in the introduction. But the developers have also added some additional bells and whistles to their OS.

What Hashr8 Can Do Now

To combat the inefficiencies of other mining systems, Hashr8 constantly monitors the performance of your rig and automatically restarts it when there’s an error. It also comes with a handy mobile app that notifies you of any changes and allows you to control your mining system remotely when you’re on the go.

What Hashr8 Can Do Soon

On the horizon, the team behind Hashr8 plan to add automated mining based on which cryptocurrencies are currently the most profitable to mine. Users will also be able to optimize the settings of their rig, adjust their power consumption, manage an entire mining farm from the app, and download performance reports for each individual mining rig.

In other words, there’s a lot to be excited about!

What Are the Benefits of Hashr8?

Now that you have a basic overview of Hashr8, it’s time to look at some of the specific benefits of using this mining operating system over the alternatives on the market.

Remote Management

The app (which is available for both iOS and Android devices) that comes with Hashr8 allows you to control multiple mining rigs from your phone.

First of all, it’ll notify you the moment there’s a low hash rate, or when any parts overheat or malfunction. But the app also allows you to control which cryptocurrency is being mined, which wallet you’re using, and what your numbers look like. Finally, you also have the option to overclock your mining rigs.

Easy Installation

Another advancement the team behind Hashr8 has made is on the installation front.

Newbies no longer have to dread a complicated installation process. This one’s plug and play. Simply go to the Hashr8 website, download the disk image, and connect it to your rig via a flash drive.

It’ll automatically configure the installation based on the hardware in your rig. You also have the option to add overclocking and firmware with the configuration presets that are included.

Incredible Support

Since Bitcoin mining is such a rapidly evolving space, any service providers have to adapt their systems to serve their customers.

Hashr8 already supports over 650 different miners and mining pools, so chances are the one you’re using is covered. Your mining rig itself is likely also supported, as Hashr8 is compatible with most CPUs, GPUs, and ASICS and covers mining for multiple kinds of coins.

Hashr8's software supports multiple hashing algorithms

How Much Does Hashr8 Cost?

As mentioned, you can choose between three different packages when you sign up for Hashr8.

Here are your three options:

  1. Home Miner is free and allows you to run three mining devices at the same time.
  2. Pro Miner costs $2 per month for every mining device after the first three.
  3. Corporate Miner gives you a dedicated account manager, additional configuration and integration options, as well as a discount when you use more than 300 mining devices.
Best mining software for mac download

Each option comes with 24/7 customer service and support if you need help with Hashr8.

How to Install Hashr8 in 8 Steps

Best Mining Software For Mac

Decided whether or not you want to try out Hashr8? Then it’s time to look at how to install it. Fortunately, it’s as easy as eight simple steps.

Here’s how to install Hashr8:

  1. Go to the Hashr8 website and click “Login” in the top right corner and then “Register” to create an account.
  2. Log in to your new account and click “Download” on the left-hand side of the dashboard to download the installation file.
  3. Transfer the installation file to a flash drive or external hard drive so you can connect it to your mining device.
  4. Click “Rigs” on the Hashr8 dashboard menu and then choose “Add Rig” to add your mining device.
  5. Fill in all the required details, such as name, description, password, and the number of GPUs, then click “Save.”
  6. Click the name of your rig once it has been set up, then click “System Info” and copy the information under the “Rig Token” section.
  7. Open the installation file on your flash drive or external hard disk and paste the information you just copied to into the document named “token.txt” and save.
  8. Plug your flash drive or external hard disk into your mining rig, turn it on, and wait until it’s registered as online on your Hashr8 dashboard.

That’s it, you’re not ready to mine!

Quick Tip

Using mining software is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.

Try an exchange below for the fastest way to get bitcoins.

  • Bits of Gold
    • Crypto exchange based in Tel Aviv
    • Buy with card, cash or bank transfer
    • Supports Bitcoin & Ethereum
  • Rain
    • Exchange for Saudi Arabi, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrin, UAE
    • Rain is based in Middle East
    • High buying limits
  • WazirX
    • Crypto exchange based in India
    • Deposit INR with IMPS & UPI
    • Low fees and many coins
  • eToro
    • Start trading fast; high limits
    • Easy way for newcomers to get bitcoins
    • Your capital is at risk.
  • Luno
    • Best for Nigeria, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia
    • East to use interface
    • Trusted exchange
  • Coinbase
    • High liquidity and buying limits
    • Easy way for newcomers to get bitcoins
    • 'Instant Buy' option available with debit card
  • Bitbuy
    • Exchange based in Canada
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports Interac & wire
  • Coinberry
    • Crypto exchange based in Canada
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports credit & debit card, Interac, wire
  • Coinsquare
    • Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchange
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports bank account, Interac, wire
  • Independent Reserve (AU/NZ)
    • Low fees with instant AUD deposits
    • EFT, POLi, Osko & SWIFT
    • Top cryptos, tax reports, local support & OTC desk
  • eToro
    • Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum & 15 other coins
    • Start trading fast; high limits
    • Your capital is at risk.

    This ad promotes virtual cryptocurrency investing within the EU (by eToro Europe Ltd. and eToro UK Ltd.) & USA (by eToro USA LLC); which is highly volatile, unregulated in most EU countries, no EU protections & not supervised by the EU regulatory framework. Investments are subject to market risk, including the loss of principal.

Should You Use Hashr8?

Hopefully, you’ve found this Hashr8 review useful and are now able to make an informed decision as to whether or not you want to use it for your mining.

Hashr8 is a new mining software company. It’s mining software made by miners, for miners.

To combat the inefficiencies of other mining systems, Hashr8 constantly monitors the performance of your rig and automatically restarts it when there’s an error.

It also comes with a handy mobile app that notifies you of any changes and allows you to control your mining system remotely when you’re on the go.

Best Mining Software For MacOS

Hive OS is a dashboard which allows miners to monitor and control all of their ASICs and GPUs from one centralized location.

Centralization is a scary word in crypto but in this case it’s great. Instead of having to monitor miners with different programs, it’s now possible to keep track of everything using Hive’s beautiful, one-stop dashboard.

Hive OS supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bcash, Monero and many other coins.

What Is The Best Mining Software

Whether you have three rigs or a thousand, Hive OS can easily integrate with all of them. Installation is easy as Hive OS automatically detects mining rigs and adds them to the dashboard.


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Tracking Metrics with Hive OS

As a full feature dashboard Hive OS, like Hashr8, allows miners to track a number of different metrics. That includes but is not limited to,

  • Hash rate
  • Online status
  • GPU errors
  • Pool configuration
  • Electricity usage
  • Team activity

What’s great about Hive is that all of this information can be accessed from anywhere in the world. That means that you can manage a mining operation from anywhere, you don’t have to be physically connected to the miners. You can even use Hive OS to update ASICs (all at one time, it’s not necessary to update them individually) or restart a GPU if it has frozen.

Quick Tip

Mining is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.

Buying bitcoin is the fastest way.

Read Our Buying Guide

Besides updating their rigs Hive OS allows miners to do the following,

  • Change which coins are being mined. Bitcoin or BCH, Ethereum or Ethereum Classic, you can switch on the go if one coin becomes more profitable than another. You can use our profitability calculator as well.
  • Change miner configurations all at once, there’s no need to painstakingly change individual settings.
  • Change mining pools.

No matter what coins you’d like to mine Hive OS has you covered. They support more than 500 different currencies as well as 85 different mining rigs. To increase the efficiency of your miners Hive OS has firmware that can boost hash rates as well as cut down on energy usage by as much as 25%.


Hive OS is surprisingly affordable at $2 per month per ASIC. For larger operations Hive offers discounts to any business with more than 500 miners. It’s also possible to receive Hive for free if you purchase the Hive firmware upgrade for your rigs.

There are a couple of other discounts available. If you deposit three months worth of funds into your account Hive will give you a 30% bonus on your purchase. You have to make the deposit all at once but otherwise there are few restriction on what it takes to qualify. There is also an additional 3% bonus if you make the deposit using a stablecoin like USDT or TUSD.

ETH Mining Pool

For Ethereum miners Hive hosts its own mining pool which they claim is one of the most profitable anywhere. Hive mentions that due to their worldwide servers their pool is secure, efficient and also has a high payout. As of publication the expected daily earnings are $1.35 (0.00794 ETH) per 100 MH/s.

The minimum payout for the pool is 0.1 ETH and currently the pool charges no commission fee. Converter from wav to mp3 for mac. There are three servers available. One in Russia, one in Europe and one in North America.

Quick Tip

Using mining software is not the fastest way to get bitcoins.

Try an exchange below for the fastest way to get bitcoins.

  • Bits of Gold
    • Crypto exchange based in Tel Aviv
    • Buy with card, cash or bank transfer
    • Supports Bitcoin & Ethereum
  • Rain
    • Exchange for Saudi Arabi, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrin, UAE
    • Rain is based in Middle East
    • High buying limits
  • WazirX
    • Crypto exchange based in India
    • Deposit INR with IMPS & UPI
    • Low fees and many coins
  • eToro
    • Start trading fast; high limits
    • Easy way for newcomers to get bitcoins
    • Your capital is at risk.
  • Luno
    • Best for Nigeria, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia
    • East to use interface
    • Trusted exchange
  • Coinbase
    • High liquidity and buying limits
    • Easy way for newcomers to get bitcoins
    • 'Instant Buy' option available with debit card
  • Bitbuy
    • Exchange based in Canada
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports Interac & wire
  • Coinberry
    • Crypto exchange based in Canada
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports credit & debit card, Interac, wire
  • Coinsquare
    • Canada's largest cryptocurrency exchange
    • Very high buy and sell limits
    • Supports bank account, Interac, wire
  • Independent Reserve (AU/NZ)
    • Low fees with instant AUD deposits
    • EFT, POLi, Osko & SWIFT
    • Top cryptos, tax reports, local support & OTC desk
  • eToro
    • Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum & 15 other coins
    • Start trading fast; high limits
    • Your capital is at risk.

    This ad promotes virtual cryptocurrency investing within the EU (by eToro Europe Ltd. and eToro UK Ltd.) & USA (by eToro USA LLC); which is highly volatile, unregulated in most EU countries, no EU protections & not supervised by the EU regulatory framework. Investments are subject to market risk, including the loss of principal.

The Hive OS Mobile App

One of the great things about Hive OS is that they have a mobile app that allows you to execute all of the same functions and monitor all of the same metrics as the dashboard. With some recent updates the app also appears to function well, based on user reviews.

In the Google Play store the app has 4.4 review score and although there is not yet an Apple iPhone app, Hive has indicated that they plan to release one soon.

Coin Statistics

One of the cool things about Hive OS is that even if you’ve not yet signed up for the service you can get an idea of who is using it. On the Hive statistics page there is a bunch of relevant data that miners may be interested in. For instance as of publication:

  • 54% of all Hive OS mining is for Ethereum and 9% is Bitcoin
  • The Radeon RX 570 4GB is the most popular AMD miner and the P106-100 6GB is the most popular NVIDIA miner. For Bitcoin the Antminer S9 Hiveon is the most popular model

The Hive OS Advantage

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If you’re in the business of cryptocurrency mining Hive OS can offer a real advantage in terms of efficiency, setup speed and ease of use. The centralized dashboard is well thought out and beautiful to look at. What used to be difficult is now easy with essentially plug and play mining for Ethereum, Bitcoin and hundreds of other coins.

Whether you’ve already got the equipment or you’re considering a new investment, Hive OS is definitely worth checking out as an all-in-one mining dashboard.

Best Free Mac Os Software

Hive OS is a dashboard which allows miners to monitor and control all of their ASICs and GPUs from one centralized location.

Viruses in Mining Software

Be aware that a lot of mining software may try to steal your bitcoins. Be sure to read reviews on any software you download.


Make sure you are downloading from the actual site and not a copy-cat site.

Best Crypto Mining Software For Mac

Using Tor with Mining Software

It’s also worth noting that you can use Tor to route your traffic through to remain especially anonymous while mining.

Cash Out your Coins

Best Mining Software For Mac Pro

Once you have this setup and are mining, you may need to cash out some of your coins in order to pay off your expenses such as electricity.

For this you can use Buy Bitcoin Worldwide to find a Bitcoin exchange in your country, whether that be the USA or elsewhere!

Best Software For Mac